Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient
DARWIS 70 75 1.44 2.07 3.88 15.05 5.59
SYUKUR 75 73 6.44 41.47 1.88 3.53 12.11
ANDI 72 75 3.44 11.83 3.88 15.05 13.34
AISAH 72 74 3.44 11.83 2.88 8.29 9.91
RUDI 70 70 1.44 2.07 -1.12 1.25 -1.61
KIMI 70 80 1.44 2.07 8.88 78.85 12.79
IMAS 69 70 0.44 0.19 -1.12 1.25 -0.49
KOKO 69 73 0.44 0.19 1.88 3.53 0.83
JOY 69 76 0.44 0.19 4.88 23.81 2.15
JEAN 69 70 0.44 0.19 -1.12 1.25 -0.49
ISKAK 68 72 -0.56 0.31 0.88 0.77 -0.49
JOKO 68 70 -0.56 0.31 -1.12 1.25 0.63
DIAH 67 70 -1.56 2.43 -1.12 1.25 1.75
IIM 64 65 -4.56 20.79 -6.12 37.45 27.91
NARMI 64 60 -4.56 20.79 -11.12 123.65 50.71
ANIS 61 65 -7.56 57.15 -6.12 37.45 46.27
SUM 1097 1138 0.04 173.88 0.08 353.68 180.91
Mean 68.56 71.12
CORRELATION: 0.729178253 → rounded to 0.73
Karl Pearson: Royal Society, University College London, List of biographers, Francis Galton, Anniversary, The Grammar of Science, Pearson's chi-square ... product-moment correlation coefficient
Guidelines for Preparing the Research Proposal
The Effect of Format and Language on the Test Scores of Bilinguals: Are the test scores obtained by bilinguals comparable to the test scores of U.S. students for whom the tests are designed?
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